Self-love, autonomy, success, sensuality, riches, and power. From the time we are born, these empty promises and lies assault our minds, souls, and very senses. They leave us devastated.
But there is a miraculous, loving God at work who will not leave us to our own devices. He sent his Son to bring us life by dying in our place for our sins. He sends his Holy Spirit to soften our sin-hardened hearts and give us the faith to believe in Jesus.
A whisper from God may be quiet, but it cannot be ignored.
In the pages of Scripture, we can hear his voice speaking to us. It is a voice the world has tried and failed to drown out. His voice speaks of free grace for all who trust in him. He shows us how he creates, rules, redeems, and rescues his people. He tells of his glorious kingdom and our place in it.
I am convinced that the most sonorous whispers of grace are heard when one is pouring over the Bible. It is in the pages of Scripture that we read of his sovereign grace at work in the lives of holy women (and men!) of the past who experienced his power and love. By studying God’s work in their lives and the issues raised by them, we can similarly interpret his work in our lives today. God is still leading women to lives of redemption, freedom, and true happiness. He is still restoring true womanhood.
My vision is simply to provide a place for women to find Bible devotionals with God-centered interpretation, Bible study tips, information about my books, book reviews, and someone to talk to about the challenges of being a counter-cultural True Woman.
To God be the glory, Barbara B. Gardner